
An experienced advisor can give you the edge you need.

We help leaders make tough decisions and solve challenges so they can lead their business to long term success

What we offer

  • Perspective of an experienced Chief Strategy Officer and business operator
  • Domain expertise in corporate strategy, transformation, and performance improvement
  • Track record leading major business turnarounds, reorganizations, and leadership transitions
  • New disciplines to build capability within your organization

How we work

  • Lean engagements sized to your needs, not ours
    • Retained advisor and thought partner
    • Fractional Chief Strategy Officer
    • Issue-specific projects
    • Embedded support
  • Hands on support from the principal, not juniors
  • Low profile or highly visible, at your discretion

What you get

  • More senior-level bandwidth to address complex problems
  • Confidential support for strategic decisions
  • Fresh and objective insight on your business
  • Actionable solutions that can accelerate your strategy
  • Efficient investment in the long-term success of your business