
A man holding an object in his hand.

Could a Fractional Chief Strategy Officer be a solution for your business?

October 18, 2023

The pace and intensity of rapidly growing firms can narrow management attention to more immediate demands: driving sales, building technology, maintaining service levels, and hiring talent. While sustainable in the short term, if prolonged this more tactical focus limits a…

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A close up of the number 1 and arrow

When your strategy isn’t working, you might need a Tangential Strategy Analysis

November 26, 2023

One of the challenges of focusing exclusively on any one thing is the inability to think outside of that context.  I previously worked with a client who for years had been one of the undisputed leaders in their narrow industry…

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A red figure stands in front of many wooden figures.

CHARACTER: The Crucial Aspect of Exceptional Leaders

December 6, 2023

Management discipline, technical acumen, and experience all play a role in the kinds of results an organization’s leader is able to achieve. Good leaders can be relied on to consistently bring groups of people together to achieve common goals in…

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Does your strategy meet Heightened Standards?


June 28, 2024

If regulators perceive a firm’s strategic plan as weak, such deficits may trigger increased scrutiny, consent orders, and fines. Boards and Management teams that cannot evidence a robust strategic planning process and effective oversight could put their organization’s long-term ambitions at risk.

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